Code of Conduct for Suppliers

The Fraport Twin Star Airport Management – AD (hereinafter “FTSAM AD“) is a provider of high-quality airport services.

We expect our Business Partners to comply with the principles laid out in this Code of Conduct on a binding basis.  

In line with our basic values of honesty, integrity, trustworthiness, responsibility, transparency, and fairness, we have high standards for doing business in a manner that is socially, economically, and ecologically sustainable for the future; we view sustainability as shaping the future responsibly.  

We have defined this responsibility for our employees in the Employee Code of Conduct.

We expect our Business Partners to uphold the standards stipulated in the present Code.

It applies to all FTSAM AD suppliers of goods and services, construction, design, and consulting services, other service providers,   tenants, and commercial operators (hereinafter called “Business partners”) with which FTSAM AD maintains direct business relations.